Definition of Dwarf planet

1. Noun. (astronomy) As defined by the International Astronomical Union, any body which has achieved hydrostatic equilibrium (which is the shape a body of water would take, as opposed to a small Solar System body), orbits the Sun (as opposed to a moon), and has not "cleared its neighbourhood" of competing bodies (as opposed to a planet). ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dwarf Planet

dwarf gray willow
dwarf horsetail
dwarf horsetails
dwarf hulsea
dwarf iris
dwarf juniper
dwarf lycopod
dwarf maple
dwarf mountain pine
dwarf mulberry
dwarf nipplewort
dwarf oak
dwarf pelvis
dwarf phlox
dwarf pipefish
dwarf planet
dwarf planets
dwarf pocket rat
dwarf rabbit
dwarf spheroidal
dwarf spheroidal galaxies
dwarf spheroidal galaxy
dwarf spurge
dwarf star
dwarf stars
dwarf sumac
dwarf tinamou
dwarf tinamous

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